About Me

Hello my name is Leesha,

I have been taking portraits for over 20 years, but it all started with a Black and White photography class in the 7th grade, which was ages ago. That is what first caught my eyes attention to the fact that I LOVE taking pictures.

I am married to the other photographer of the family my wonderful husband, Ryan, although his style is Combat Photo Journalism, my style is to capture the moment that best suits your personalities and have fun! Just because it is my camera, they are your special moments that I hope you will allow me to capture for a lifetime. We have been very blessed since the birth of our beautiful daughter, Dharma, in 2012. She has brought so much joy, happiness, and laughter into our lives and of course she is always getting her picture taken by either myself or her Dad. She is now becoming a photographer herself!

Some of my other loves are traveling, camping, crafting, baking, and cooking. My trade in life for the past 23 years was a Surgical Technologist and I have now obtained my Associate Degree in Nursing as of May 2017 and my Bachelor’s of Nursing in the Spring of 2023. I currently work in the Operating Room as a Charge Nurse.

Photography has always been a passion and hobby of mine! When I look at things in my life, I picture them as though I am looking through a view finder of a camera and see the world just a little bit different!